Thursday, November 24, 2011


SO, I love ice cream. I always see Haagen-Dazs when I'm getting me ice cream, why not have some. My brother loves Haagen-Dazs Rocky Road. I know there natural and really premium. Lets give em a try. 

I picked up two of my favorite flavors. 
I'm not gonna lie. I didn't like. I think my tolerance is too high or something. Yes they were both vanilla, and it was good vanilla. But it was too rich, and eh. Not enough Oreos or Cookie Dough. I was really disappointed. I had high expectations. Yeah, the vanilla ice cream was premium, but it just didn't hit the spot. I'll stick to my Ben & Jerrys.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breyers Blasts - Chips Ahoy

I'm pretty familiar with the Breyer's blasts, but never leaned toward this one. I had been wanting to have some chips ahoy for awhile, why not in ice cream form!? I think i made a good decision.
Here is the description. I love the non artificial part. I hate when they say Natural and Artificial Flavor....makes me feel bad. Anyways this guy has a fudge swirl. As you can see below, at the bottom of the picture is where this fudge appeared the most. It was more of a syrup but boy was it good. And the cookies! Now i don't know if its because its been a while since Ive had chips ahoy, but the cookies were better than cookie dough. I think its good to change your cookie in your ice cream up a bit. All in all this was yummm. The fudge swirl and consistency of the cookies was bomb. 

and this my friends, is where the ice cream ends up...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mint Chocolate Cookie Crumble - Safeway SELECT

Here we are. My first ICE CREAM review! This guy here, was a spontaneous choice. I wanted oreos and mint, and this was a choice. Said WHY NOT!? Safeway is a grocery store up north in case you aren't familiar. I have tried many of their ice creams, they also have pints. This one here, was not too shabby. The mint was indeed refreshing, and quite strong for my liking. Going into it, I only suspected to get mint ice cream and cookies. I was happy to find a very chocolaty cookie swirl. It reminded me very much of Ben & Jerry's swirls. The cookie quantity was OK, not the best. 
At the time of eating this I also had Mint Moose Tracks in the fridge, I decided to compare. The cookie mint was much stronger and the moose track one tasted diluted. Overall, i liked the cookie crumble because of the lovely swirl. I recommend this flavor for hardcore mint  fans. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011


What does ice cream core mean? Let me tell youuuu!

My name is Crystal. I like to go by CrystalCore. I believe their is a core to everything and its the best part. I am here to get to get to the core of ice cream. One of my favorite things in the world. I have tried just about every Ben & Jerry's ice cream, but I am more than happy to try them again. I think it would be a blast to review ice cream and all its godness.
Thank you and follow along, because its going to get COREY in here! :P